Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Initial assessment with my trainer

It has been quite a while since I have thought about posting. I guess it's time...

I met with a personal trainer yesterday to go through the fitness assessment process in order to begin working with said trainer. (I went through this process 7 years ago and began working with a bubbly irritating gal, in a nut shell she wasn't the right trainer for me.) All of my information was still in the system so we were able to compare where I was then with where I am now. I was happy with some of my results yesterday but some not so much. My resting heart rate (which was 59 down from 79 in 2002) and Aerobic Fitness have greatly improved as well as my body fat %. I have lost a considerable amount of strength and flexiness but the thing that is the most worrisome is not my probable pre-diabetic state, it was my blood pressure. Normally I have always had pretty good blood pressure but yesterday I was at 173 over 110! I guess it really is time to get serious about getting into better shape before I have a heart attack.

So about this trainer... I don't really care for her. She seems very green and I'm not really in the mood to be someones "first" She has already said that she is a very chatty person, that has me concerned. My last trainer was VERY CHATTY so much so that she wasn't doing her job as far as I was concerned. Working with a trainer is supposed to help motivate not irritate. She talked so much that she wouldn't pay attention to my reps or anything like that. It ended up being easier for me to work out without her. There is a problem when she isn't keeping track of reps and I can't count for myself because she is too talkative! Hopefully this new trainer isn't as bad as the last one.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Everything is moving along

I finally have all of the big things moved to their new places in the house. Eliptical has been brought in and has already been used. Now if I could just get my eating to where I need it to be I would be great. Water in take has been right on par, I'm drinking between 2 and 2 1/2 liters of water a day.

Got some pretty hard workingout done a few days ago mowing part of the yard but the lawn mower died and I wasn't able to get back out there. Maybe I'll go try to get it started right now.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26 - August 2


Here it is day one of my weight loss blog. My stress level has risen a tad but not due to my weight loss goals. I just have to not let the stress adversely affect what I am setting out to accomplish.

This morning's breakfast was

  • multi-grain cheerios
  • strawberries
  • milk

Well today is the 30th of July and this week has been crazy. My stress has been pretty high and unfortunately I cannot blog about it. I would love to though. I am managing to get more water into my body, I'm carrying a 50 ounce bottle around with me all day. I have been drinking about 1 and a half bottles of water. I've been eating as well as I can concidering what is in the house, I'm making sure that I am focusing on fruit and veggies. I'll be going to the grocery store in the next couple of days to stock up on what we should be eating. I wanted to try to finish up what was in the house first and start from scratch. Let's hope the rest of the week continues to get better.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Recreating me

So here it is in black and white for all the world to see, or the 3 people that may actually read this anyway… I have come to the conclusion that I am fat. Yes, I have known it for years but I am really sure of it this time.

Just as people that suffer from anorexia or bulimia see themselves as fat when they look in the mirror, I too have a distorted image in my mind of what I look like when I look in the mirror. I see a pretty face, a bit on the chubby side but by no means unattractive. I do see the jiggly arms and big tummy to boot. I know all of these things are there but I don’t see myself as fat; and certainly not obese. I fit into a size 14 and sometimes, depending on the cut, a size 12 jeans. (Although there is some muffin top going on)

It’s when I step on the scale or see a picture of myself that I see someone other than the girl that stares back at me in the mirror. I stand a mere 65.5 inches tall but I weigh in at 192.6 pounds. Yes you read that right and no I can’t believe that I wrote it out loud. People tend to act surprised when they find out that I weigh that much, they’re probably just trying to be nice. Whether it’s them being nice or not the BMI calculator isn’t so kind. The CDC’s “indicator of healthy weight” says my BMI is 31.5, anything over 30.0 is OBESE. So how on earth did I let myself get this big?!? I’ll tell you how… utter laziness.

My hubby will be deployed for 7 months and in that time I will recreate my body. Yeah I have said that before and meant it but I really mean it this time, that’s why I’m talking about it. I need to be held accountable for this to work. The more people that know, the harder it will be to not follow through. So how am I going to achieve something that I have wanted before but never attained? I have a plan. No it’s not a pill popping, shake drinking, stomach stapling kind of plan. It’s a healthy eating and exercising kind of plan.

We have all seen the inconceivable weight loss that is achieved on the Biggest Loser; I would love to be able to lose weight at that kind of rate but I know that that is not a feasible expectation for me. I have kids to take care of as well as several pets (6 actually) and a household to maintain. I will, however, use the BL meal planning that is online. I have taken advantage of the menu planning in the past and it has been great. It did take a little while to find meal ideas that the kids will eat willingly and plan out shopping lists but the outcome was splendid. I had more energy and felt much better; I even lost a few pounds without even adding any exercise to my daily routine.

So why you ask, am I not still eating like I should be? It’s that damn “L” word again! That and the lack of being held accountable. This time will be different; I have a goal in mind, to lose 1.5 – 2 pounds per week. Not something that isn’t doable. I have 30+ weeks to work on the new me and at 1.5 pounds per week I could be 45 pounds (that’s my 6 year old) less when the hubs gets home. I have several people that are going to work on losing weight at the same time as me so we can help each other through the tough days. I even have a workout buddy. A friend of mine just bought a new house and she has a room that will be dedicated to nothing but workout equipment. I am going to take my elliptical to her house so we can workout together.

Along the way I will chronicle my successes as well as my failures that I have. I will also share weekly updates on my weight and progress.